Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Not since the last century have I known the birthday of one of my cats. I guessed that Yin and Yang were born around Tax Day 1999. Mr. Peanut Butter was probably around Thanksgiving 1995. Harvie was the only one I ever knew, and I've forgotten. I think it was in March, 1980. But Remus J. Lupin was definitely born Labor Day, September 1st, 2003. He's celebrating by sleeping in my desk chair. Yin isn't as keen about this extravaganza as ReLu is. She's sleeping on the bed right behind the chair and wearing her Grumpy Face.

So this and the next entry are written from the uncomfortable little bench. Like a cheap hairpiece, it's a small price toupee for this gala celebration. Happy birthday, Professor!