Saturday, September 26, 2009

Keeping My Eye On The Ball

I guess I can be pretty sure now that the job I really REALLY wanted, Facilities Service Tech in the Biology Department at UNM, has gone to some younger, more Facilities savvy person. There were probably hundreds of applications for it- I know that the job was posted nearly everywhere Albuquerque jobs are posted, which are a lot of places- and I should be proud to have made it as far as the interview. I am. But pride doesn't pay the rent.

Working one day a month as an extra on TV shows doesn't pay the rent either. Some groceries maybe. And now I can't work on Crash or Breaking Bad for a long while, because they don't want to use the same people over and over.

Even Marshalls, who called me in for an interview two weeks ago for a possible part time merchandise restocking gig hasn't called me back. That doesn't disappoint me.

So Thursday, when I was going around the circuit of movie/TV casting websites updating my acting resume, I came across a production company I'd never heard of: Chiliwood Productions, based in Albuquerque. I emailed them for information, sent them a scenery-building resume, and cooked them up a wacky acting resume and sent that. I don't know if anything will come of it, but they are wacky guys and I think I'd enjoy working with them.

The lesson here for me is that there is always another layer to peel back when I think I've reached the bottom of the possibilities for employment. I tried to keep that in mind yesterday, when I was trying to narrow a job search on, and the imbedded search engine took me Keep looking, keep expanding my parameters. Something will come along.