Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It Ain't Boston

There are many things to like about Albuquerque. The scenery is breathtaking. The climate is much more comfortable in summer than Orlando or Boston. The streets are well marked, unlike Boston, and the intersections are easily navigable, WAY unlike Boston- where an intersection nearly always includes six or seven ways to turn, none of them marked- but today I decided to try out Albuquerque buses.

As some of you know, when we moved to Boston four years ago, I sold my vehicle. Parking in Boston sucks. Driving in Boston sucks. I spent four years living and working in and around Boston using only public transportation. I heard many people there complaining about the MBTA, and I had my share of snafus during those four years. But at least I could get where I was going. I walked quite a bit, but I like to walk. I rarely walked more than a half mile at a stretch. I enjoyed it, and I wasn't shy about saying so.

Today I rode two buses from the First Unitarian Church, about four miles away, and I got home in two hours. I walked a mile and a half. Because, from 10:00am until 3:00pm, the #2 bus doesn't run the full route. Instead of getting off at Ventura and Freedom Way, I had to get off at Layton and Academy. I guess I should have known. The #2 only runs once an hour middays. I don't even want to think how long it might take on weekends. If I ever find a job out here, I might have to buy a vehicle. Is it worth it? Hmmm.