Friday, September 11, 2009


Ah, the intimidation of the blank page. What to write today? I owe my followers- all three of you- a new posting.

The kitties have been cute, of course, that's their primary function. How much cuteness can we stand? Remus caught a leaf this morning- not much there. Yinny Yin Yin still wouldn't come outside. Nothing new. They got me up at 4:40. Big whoop.

I've applied for about seven jobs since Wednesday. Things seem to be picking up in the post-summer carpentry market, but there are at least 82 other guys after every one I apply for. Persistence is the key, I guess- once those 82 guys are working it will be my turn. Right?

I'm up to 43 friends on Facebook- Who'd-a-thunk-it? Not me, I'm flabberghasted. The strangest thing, though, is that many of these friends don't seem to be open to extra-Facebook communication. Maybe "friends" is a bit too strong of a term for our Facebook connections.

So life goes on here on the high desert. Maybe something worth writing about will happen today.