Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All Hail!

Remus J. Lupin was sitting at the back screen door, longing to go out this afternoon. The skies were blue with a few puffy clouds; the back patio was bathed in sunshine, balmy breezes blew. Then suddenly the dark clouds rolled in, and there was a clap of thunder. Big Bad Kitty was under the bed in a flash. Seconds later the rain started. Seconds after that, hail began hammering the skylights- my first New Mexico hail storm. BBK stayed under the bed.

I watched the hail stones, the size of peas, bouncing off the driveway and street. It was a cloudburst of Orlandoan proportions. Then it stopped, the sun came out, and less than two hours after it started, the world was dry again. It's almost chilly out this evening. I like New Mexico weather. Remus is not so sure.