Monday, August 31, 2009

Another Defeat

I took a shower- even though I had one yesterday. I got dressed in my Sunday-Go-To-Meetin' clothes (yes, the same clothes I wore to church yesterday after my shower) even though the job I was applying for would be the same style of job referred to in my previous entry. I was envisioning 500 unemployed cabinet makers applying for this job, and any advantage I could give myself would count. Even if it meant a shower and fancy duds two days in a row.

The online job search site said that the job was posted on the 26th, and applicants should be at 5401 Lomas at 10:00 Monday. I, of course, got there at 9:30 (it's a sickness) expecting to have trouble finding a place to park. No trouble. No crowds. No visible cabinet shop. I wandered from one end of the strip mall to the other, front and back, looking for any sign of cabinets or cabinet makers. Nothing. Nobody.

5401 was the number of a print shop. I saw a big, wide, goofy-looking guy in a tee shirt, shorts, sneakers and a Stupid Hat go into the print shop. I went in after him. He was standing there chatting with the guy at the counter. "Can I help you?" asked counter guy. "I don't know," I replied. "Do you happen to know anything about a cabinet maker job?" He pointed at Goofy.

"That was last Monday," said Goofy in a Texas drawl. "But come on back anyway." He led me through the back of the print shop to an abandoned office where he had two chairs and a desk with a computer on it. He took my resume and looked it over. I offered to show him my portfolio.He declined. He wasn't gonna look at the forty seven eight by ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and the paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was...

The Good Ol' Pillsbury D'oh Boy turned out to be a tree surgeon who sometimes did cabinetry on the side and complained about the President full time. He had 82 applicants last week. I don't think I'll be doing any work for this guy.

As Cyndie G. Cox said, "YIKES!"