Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Never Blogged Before

For years I've been writing about my thoughts and observations as life goes by the windows. Carmen has told me many times that I ought to blog. Well...when somebody- who is not paying me to do their bidding- tells me what I ought to do, the automatic braking system kicks in and it can (as it has in this case) take years for me to turn the corner and take the advice. It only took a few minutes to come up with a name and the attending commentary, a few more to set up the system, and here I am, streaming my consciousness as if anybody gives a flying fig what I have to say.

By the title of this blog, one might get the impression that it is about cats. Since it is my life and my life's work is the care and feeding of cats (just ask them) then you can be sure cats will play a major role. One might also get the impression that we have thirty cats, or at least a dozen. Nope. Two. We have had as many as four for short bursts, but for a year and a half, since Yin's brother died (anybody care to guess his name?) it's been two.

There will be stories from the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties and double naughts- I'm really old. There will be stories of today's scam used by Remus Lupin (the grey striped one) to drag my butt out of bed at 3:30 in the morning. There will be updates on the ongoing attempt to sabotage this blog: my search for employment. But for today, I'm just setting up for a long siege. I've often thought I should write a column- but I know nobody cares what I have to say. So a blog is perfect. Nobody needs to care. Except me...and you.

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