Friday, August 28, 2009


My desk chair is no longer my own. Little Miss Yinny Yin Yin owns it now. I can entice her away from it and sit in it for a while. But as soon as I get up to get a drink, use the bathroom or stretch my legs, she's back in it. Now, after a week of her full time ownership, it is completely coated in white cat hair. Carmen cleaned it off a few days ago, but it was covered again in no time. So now I use the little bench shown in the picture over there. It isn't nearly as comfortable, but at least it's big enough to share. She and Remus Lupin both know that the chair is my preferred sitting place, therefore it's their preferred sitting place. I should be able to take my chair back, right? Cat juggling is what I do, right?

Even a cat juggler's gotta know his limitations.

I spent nearly the whole day today searching for job postings and jumping through the mountains of hoops in the way of applying for them. My back is aching because , like right this moment Remus is sound asleep in my chair, and I'm perched on this damned bench. I want to stomp over there and dump his ass out. But I don't.

Just who is juggling whom around here?