Saturday, August 29, 2009

Big Bad Kitty

Before moving to Albuquerque, Carmen flew out here to look at the house we would be renting from members of the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque. She wanted a real idea of the size and layout of the living space and the storage space. She came back to Massachusetts all excited because the house has a walled-in back patio where our little blind cat could actually be outside and hunt in relative safety.

Yin steps outside the sliding door sometimes, but she's still not comfortable going out. Remus J. Lupin, on the other hand, has been out back Four Times now, because he's a Big Bad Kitty.

This morning Remus and I were hanging out together back there, he was exploring his domain, sniffing the plants, kicking ass on the crickets and lounging in the sunshine. When I was ready to come in I called to him. He gave me a "Yeah right!" look and went the other way. I opened the sliding screen, which made a noise, and set the two big dogs next door to barking.

A grey striped streak flew by my legs, spun out around the big turn, regained traction and hauled ass down the hallway, and was under the bed about two seconds after the first bark.

Thirty seconds after that, he strolled nonchallantly out from under the bed and flopped casually onto the floor. 'Cause he's a Big Bad Kitty. Nothing scares him. Just ask him.