Saturday, October 3, 2009


After nearly three months living in a house with a walled-in back yard, our little blind girl has gone outside twice in the last three days. Thursday it was too late to catch any rays, but this afternoon we went out just as the last of the sunny spots were walking away. She circled the patio, taking care not to walk on the gravel (ouch!) that surrounds it. She walked into a ray and stopped, sniffing and turning her face to her first blast of real, unfiltered New Mexico sunshine. I didn't get a picture of it because the camera was in the house and I didn't want to spook her by going inside until after she'd had her fill.

Professor Remus J. Lupin stalked and attacked her a couple of times, being that there were no snails to beat up on out there. This did not concern her. RJL has been stalking and attacking her multiple times a day for six years. She barely notices any more.

Nobody wanted to come in when it was time. I had to pull the old "open a can of cat food" trick. That one almost always works.