Wednesday, October 21, 2009

With Apologies

I have been having so much fun writing about my adventures on the road in The Gospel of Rand McNally, I fear I have been neglecting my huge fan base for Cat Juggler. The sad truth is that there has not been much to write about in my life recently. We all know that Carmen did her first full Sunday flying solo a few days ago, and that she did a great job. Monday I finally got Yin on video rolling in the sunshine. Yesterday's big project was gutting, peeling, cooking and pureeing a pumpkin for some yummy South Beach Diet friendly desserts yet to come, with toasted pumpkin seeds as a by-product. I was going to walk to the grocery store for a long list of stuff for the dessert and for the rest of our nutritional needs, but a huge storm blew up and ruined that plan. Today it's chilly and rainy- rare in New Mexico- and my primary function (I've already fed the kitties and scooped the litter box) is waiting for Colby to call from Albuquerque Little Theatre to tell me he's ready to begin in earnest building for White Christmas.

The kitties heard me open the back door this morning and came running as usual, but when they discovered the state of the weather outside, they high-tailed it back inside. We're all hoping for clearing skies and a return of that sunshine to which we've become accustomed. I have four pounds of pumpkin goo waiting for sweet transformation. And I'm out of peanut butter! We got trouble right here in the Land of Enchantment.

Some of my favorite moments await me at the blog next door, The Gospel Of Rand McNally, and I'm itching to get back to it. Once Colby calls, my huge raft of free time will slip out from under me. Much as I am ready to get to work at a paying job, this blogging thing has busted loose a logjam of words that are aching to be typed!