Monday, January 4, 2010


As one might imagine, extrapolating from the title of this entry, I am just a little bit cheesed off. A week ago I put together my latest resume, my letters of recommendation, a spiffy cover letter, three special Science Museum references and the CD of my portfolio (you can see it at ) in a manilla envelope and mailed it with $1.22 postage to a museum here in Albuquerque that advertised for an exhibit guy with science museum experience. Now I realize that most of those 82 guys that apply for all the same jobs I do are still at it. I just think that, after we jumped through all of those hoops, a simple email to all of us that didn't get an interview wouldn't be too much to ask.

I haven't actually counted, but I don't think it would be any exaggeration to say that since we've been here I've applied for 150 jobs. Three of them went to the trouble to let me know that I didn't make the cut. Even the ones I actually interviewed for didn't let me know. Even the spa place that called me and invited me to fill out an application and take a fifteen page pointless test didn't let me know that I was out of the running. WTF??!!

Here's hoping that in 2010 the pendulum begins to swing back the other way, and that wherever we go in June is in better economic shape than Albuquerque. I'm really tired of following those 82 guys around, filling out application after fitness test, and just being dropped in the trash because I'm twice as old as the winning applicant. To put it succinctly, it sucks!