Friday, January 22, 2010


I remember when frequent Cat Juggler postings were routine. Then came White Christmas, and then came a Deep Vein Thrombosis / Pulmonary Embolism, and suddenly I see that my last posting was a week ago. My huge fan base is sorely disappointed, I'm sure, every time y'all swing by Cat Juggler and see that there is nothing new. Well, I guess that pretty much covers it. Nothing new is going on in my life - at least there's nothing I can write about. Carmen's online church dating process is going well, but I can't divulge any details. The old job search continues with very little to report. Every week I get my blood tested - yesterday it was a three point nine INR, which is still high. The cats still crawl into laps whenever one becomes available. In short, life goes on, but nothing to write about.

A lot of my time this past week has been spent on the phone with my dad. He has been writing a novel these past five years. We gave him a computer five years ago, and tried to impress upon him that here in the twenty-first century, publishers want your electronic version of your book because that saves them time retyping your book, and ensures that they won't make any mistakes above and beyond the ones you have already made. Well, he sent his publisher a paper copy, sliced and taped and recopied until it was right, and thought he was done - like it used to be in the sixties. When the publisher informed him that they were ready now to receive his electronic copy, he was flabberghasted. He enlisted my help to make about fifty corrections to the best version he had and send it to them. We're all excited now, after three submissions and two STOP THE PRESSES emails since Sunday, because he says he's done and won't even look at it any more until his copy comes in the mail in six to nine months.

I also have a lengthy Rand McNally nearly finished if you care to click the link to the left. I expect to finish it this afternoon. Other than that, nothing is going on here in Albuquerque.