Friday, January 15, 2010

All Very Hush Hush

About the time I was struck down with the nefarious blood clots, Carmen began clicking. It's computer dating for congregations seeking ministers and ministers seeking congregations. The congregation posts a little information on the UUA site, the minister reads and either clicks or not. If she clicks, the congregation's search committee can read a little info about the minister. If they like what they read, they contact the minister and agree to exchange massive packets of information (it can all be posted online nowadays, saving shipping costs and paper) and if they like what they read, they can agree to a phone interview. Carmen has had several go that far.

Next, the minister is invited to "precandidate" at the congregation's locality, check out the place and the situation, and deliver a sermon at a neutral pulpit for the Committee. If they like what they hear and like what they see, things get even cosier. Then they meet me, and the deal is off!

I wish I could say where things are headed at this time, but, as The Avengers used to say, "It's all very hush hush." It will be months before things are finalized enough to leak the story.

I think I can safely say (and I'll find out soon enough if I can't) that The Ordination is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, June 6th at the Albuquerque church. Y'all come!