Monday, December 28, 2009

One-Car Family

Carmen dropped me off at the hospital for my weekly blood test to see if my anti-coagulent level is within acceptable range. Last week it was at 2.9, just inside the 2-3 range. Today it tested at 5.5, "critically high!" so I have to skip a dose and cut back. I don't know how many more weekly blood tests there will have to be before they pronounce me stable. The whole treatment goes on for six months - until time to move again.

Carmen's co-workers were teasing her today because she left me waiting for a long time. My appointment was for 9:45 - she dropped me off at 8:00. The whole process was finished at 10:30 - she picked me up at 12:30. This is a consequence of being a one-car family in a transit-challenged town. Waiting is something I excel at, and I know not many humans do any more. I can keep myself entertained for hours and hours watching people, reading and organizing my ever-fattening folder of medical information, making notes on the notes from consultations with doctors, pharmacists, purveyors of portable oxygen etc. and keeping track of the time until the next Blessed Event - a Tylenol dose.

Being home is admittedly more comfortable than the waiting areas of the hospital, but for a guy like me who hates to turn on the TV unless The Price Is Right is on, home is much less entertaining.

How did I get to be an American? I don't want a car and I don't want a TV. Good thing I'm not a contestant on The Price Is Right!