Friday, December 4, 2009

Ministerial Ballbuster

Today is the big momemt we've all been waiting for. This afternoon Carmen stands before the Ministerial Fellowship Committee, delivers a ten minute sermon, and is harangued for a half hour about her fitness for ministry - as if there is a question about that! If (when) they give her a #1 rating, she can immediately begin her search for a settled ministry, and eventually we'll find out where we'll be moving in June.

One of my projects recently has been to put together photo montage pages for sections of her search packet. I have, during this blessed time of unemployment, learned a lot about my computer, including how to manipulate pictures and do other fancy things in Word. So that's ongoing.

December is a ballbuster month for ministers, as well as ministerial interns and ministerial intern spouses. Yesterday I finished up her music CD for her "Reliving The Christmas Event" service she's doing in a week or so, and cleaned up and updated the script sent us by Marni P. Harmony, formerly of Orlando. I also created a fancy CD label with a picture of our snow-dusted holly tree ghosted behind the music list. It's beautiful.

As soon as the weather warms up, I'll paint the ox head for Christmas Eve Service #1. We still have to decide on how we're accomplishing the body of same. The prevailing thought is to cover a couple of bean bag chairs with a hairy blanket that attaches to the head. It'll be wonderful, whatever we do.

Meanwhile, there is a possible wedding coming up and a memorial service, both paid projects for the intern, and we are going to see White Christmas on the 18th! January will be here before we know what hit us!

PS - We're Number One! We're Number One!!!!!!!!!!!!