Wednesday, December 2, 2009

As Professor Hinkle Would Say...

Busy busy busy! I went with Carmen to work this morning so I could drive home, load up my sneezy girl and haul her to the 9:30 vet appointment. Before leaving, I brought a cat carrier from the 40 degree garage into the house to warm up some. It rattled. Cats scattered. I was glad to let the hink factor settle down some before 9:00.

I also responded to the two mobile vets before departing, letting them know that we had made an appointment with a stationary vet during the twenty hours it took them to respond to my calls and emails. I guess I should have let them stew for a day or so, but I didn't.

ReLu was centered under the bed when I got home to get Yin. She was under the dresser, her little orange striped tail poking out in full view. I stroked it, and she ran out. She ran out of the bedroom so I closed that door. ReLu had full access to food, water and litter boxes from the bedroom. I opened the top lid to the carrier and left it in the hallway before going after my quarry. She was under a chair in the living room. I rousted her out of there and she ran to the hallway, smacking her little blind face into the carrier, then on to the bedroom door, which she also smacked. On her way back I grabbed her and stuffed her in. They don't call me a world class cat juggler for nothing.

The new vet was very nice and she fell in love with Yin- who wouldn't? She took the dreaded anal temperature. It was normal, so no infections. She pumped some flluid into my 5.25 pound girl, installed a topical mite killer on her back, and reintroduced Yin to an old "friend," Neopolydex eye drops, with which we had tortured her for five years of her life in Orlando. All in all, it was a good vet visit (my opinion, not Yin's) and I hauled her home to recuperate in her fleece bed- where she resides at this moment.

I pounded down some breakfast and lit out for the church once again, to bring home my other girl so she could pack for San Francisco. Two hours of rushing around ensued before we loaded the car and headed to the airport by way of our favorite Albuquerque restaurant, Zea's, where we had a nice liesurely late lunch. Then on to the airport to check in, check a bag, and hang out together people watching until Carmen felt it was time to do that Security thing and head for the gate. Then I drove home, arriving about 6:00. I have been checking the US Airways Flight Status page. Everything has been on time so far, so she should be on her connecting flight in Phoenix awaiting departure at 9:14.

Other than that, not much going on today.