Thursday, November 25, 2010


My boy didn't wake me up until after five this morning (yesterday it was 2:30.) I fed the kids in our new style. Before Yin died, I used to feed Remus in a separate room, to prevent him from bullying Yin out of the way and eating her food before eating his. For a couple of months we got used to feeding in the regular food dish location. Yesterday morning, Lucia (Aunt Karen calls her Pickles) came nosing around the canned food distribution operation, so I scooped out some for her. She gobbled it up, then went after Professor Lupin's dish. He cast me a wounded look and walked away. I grabbed his dish from Lucia and put it in the separate room, and here I am again with two separate feeding stations, for the opposite reason. The good part is, Lucia doesn't take very long to eat, and neither does Remus. I let the boy out and went back to bed for a few more hours.

We awoke to thundering hoofbeats. Lucia and Remus were chasing each other from one end of the house to the other, up the stairs, one end to the other up there, back down the stairs and around again. They really seem to have fun together when they are both in the mood to play.

My next gig was to get the percolator going and make breakfast - 0atmeal for her, peanut butter sammich for me - then start cleaning the kitchen. We have company coming from western Massachusetts tomorrow. Then we called and talked to my mommy and daddy in the Georgia mountains while I loaded sixteen more Lucia pictures onto my computer and posted them on Facebook.

A shower and a change of clothes got us ready to drive ten miles north to Cambridge Springs for Thanksgiving dinner at The Riverside Inn there beside the river. It was good, and somebody else cooked and cleaned up which made it even better. So now the kitties are fed for the night, and my Neal Stephenson book is calling my name.

That is what I am thankful for today.

1 comment:

Rose said...

My crew had deemed Publix Flaked Tuna to be the premium wet catfood. Walter will sometimes growl when eating for fear that someone might steal his plate. Shall I send you a case?