Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Breakthrough!

Carmen asked me to let this be known to my vast readership. I have not mentioned this before in this forum, but our boy Remus J. Lupin is my cat almost exclusively. He spurns Carmen's affections regularly, unless she has the bag of cat treats in her hand. This was not a biggie when Yin and Yang were around. She could always conjure up a lapfull of kitty. Since Yin died, Carmen has poured on the steam trying to win over this Mozzarelly Belly brat - who is, at this moment, perched on my desk, hoping to convince me that it's two hours later than it is (four thirty feeding time.) She has the electric blanket on on her side of the bed, but he sleeps on my unheated side. She tries to pet him and he runs away.

Last evening I was busy fixing supper and the boy was following me around like a puppy (our little dog Remus) so I picked him up and put him in Carmen's lap. He stayed there for a long time. So maybe her hard work is paying off. I hope so. This cat adoration is definitely a double-edged sword!

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