Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Whole World Is A Toy

I knew this. It has always been thus. A kitten comes into my life, and suddenly everything in the house is swatted, nudged, pounced on or bitten to see what caliber of toy it is. Lucia has swatted the floor to see if it will skitter away for chasing purposes. Furniture, windows, doors, cabinets - none of them make very good toys.

We did have one calamity this morning. Even without claws, (her previous humans had her hands ruined) she can leap up onto the high backs of our dining room chairs. Fifteen pound Professor Remus John Lupin saw her do it and tried leaping up there his own damn self. The resulting crash of the chair careening over backward scared the living crap out of all four mammals in the house early this morning.

Yes, Remus has stooped so low as to actually play with our new little girl on rare occasions. She chases him through the house, attacks his tail, and plays the chair game with him between naps. With her boundless energy and his massive bulk, I can see how walking into the house after work is going to be an adventure every day for a while.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Her name is PICKLES!!!!