Monday, November 15, 2010


My Friday interview with Diane at Sherwin Williams went really well, as far as I'm concerned. I'm hoping to know how she thought it went by the end of the week. I told her I'd bug her Friday afternoon if I haven't heard anything by then.

Meanwhile, we hosted the UU Church of Meadville Search Committee part two Friday night - five guests for dinner. Once again, Carmen cooked! What the hell?! Anyway, they were all properly impressed with our funky house and the monstrous bookcases.

Saturday we cleaned up the place for our Sunday event while we had the chance, because we went to a 70th birthday party for a church member Saturday afternoon. On the way home we stopped at the grocery store for supplies for our Sunday event, put them away and went to the church "Dinner of Thanks" until late in the evening.

Sunday morning was the church service, which I recorded as usual, and then I walked home while Carmen met with her committee. I did some more cleaning and rearranging for our open house for everyone involved with the pledge drive. Forty people RSVPed that they were coming. We were ready for them, too. But it turned out to be a cold and rainy afternoon and evening, and only ten people showed up. The last one left at 9:30. We put the food away and crashed.

So our much-anticipated weekend has come and gone, and it didn't kill us. Did it make us stronger? I guess it did.

Today I spent pretty much the whole day washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, then Carmen called wanting to go to the Humane Society to look at kittens and cats. She didn't see any that called her name. Believe it or not, we came home empty handed! That never happens!

So now it's back to job hunting, in case Diane takes leave of her senses and hires somebody else.


Karen said...

Did you serve the chicken salad scoops? That stuff is freakin' awesome. My Sam's doesn't carry the salad. :(

Cat Juggler said...

We haven't been to Erie since the week before you came. The chicken salad was all freakin' gone a day or two after you left.