Monday, November 23, 2009

That's What I Get...

So last week the construction was finished for White Christmas. Since then I've worked all day Thursday, all day Friday and all day today on- you guessed it- White Christmas. I'm going back tomorrow, too. What there was to do was stuff I didn't know about, like trim all the way around the exteriors of the flats on the pivoting platforms, wainscotting on the interiors of the flats on the pivoting platforms, changing out the casters for bigger, locking casters on the tap-dance piano, shoring up the supports under the tap-dance piano, fixing a chair the actors broke in rehearsal, fixing a table that broke in rehearsal, installing mini blinds on all six train windows, cutting down a too-big existing flat for the roll-aside barn door, building a hang-like-a-picture window frame, you know, little things. Oh, and getting my paperwork squared away for my 400 bucks Colby is paying me out of his production budget. That's a biggie.

My other Christmas projects, the ox head and the music for Carmen's "Reliving The Christmas Event" service were moved ahead over the weekend. A week ago, while I was enjoying my two-day vacation from the theatre, I cut plywood to the shape of the top view of the ox head and shaped chicken wire (oh excuse me, Poultry Netting) into the head, horns and ears. Saturday and Sunday I covered it with plaster cloth. Then I took Carmen's "Reliving..." script, graciously provided by Marni P. Harmony, and sought out all of the music specified for it. Some we had in stock. The rest I ordered by MP3 download, from Amazon. Before she got home from her afternoon church event, I had a CD ready to plug and play with all but one piece of music, which is not available by MP3 download- I ordered the CD.

Add in my cooking, cleaning, scooping, cat juggling, grocery shopping and Star Trek watching, and it's no wonder I haven't blogged in a week!