Sunday, November 15, 2009


Tomorrow, after I visit my financial planner to work out the last piece of my new IRA that combines what's left of my savings from 401Ks from Image International (1988-1994), F/X Scenery and Display (1996-2005) and Mystic Scenic Studios (2005-2009) into one account, I'm going to Abq Little Theatre to finish up the last of the construction of the quick-change set pieces for "Irving Berlin's White Christmas." I may go back to add details like plugs for the switchboard and attachment technology for the ski lodge front porch- stuff like that. Painting will be done mostly by student interns (if they show up- they sort of have trouble in that area,) and Colby is still thinking about seat cushions and table transportation methods.

I poured on the steam this month, even working two full Saturdays, because the cast needs the pieces to rehearse with, and the scene shift crew needs to practice the fifteen fast and fluid scene changes. The show opens a week from Friday and runs through Christmas Eve. I will be paid in comp tickets to the show. I hope it's REALLY good.

"Dial M For Murder" is the next show, and I'm invited to work on it, but I'm taking some time off. The White Christmas set pieces not onstage will be stored in the shop, so there will be little room to work anyway. And I'm still hopeful that I'll get a job soon. Hope springs eternal.

Meanwhile, I've applied to six jobs this weekend and kept up with cat feeding, scooping and cooking for us humans. I have sadly neglected my blog, and the trees around the house have dropped a buttload of leaves which I'll be cleaning up this week. It snowed overnight last night, so they're wet and frozen at this time. They'll be warm and dry by Tuesday, I'm sure.

The kitties are missing their outside time, although I did let them out this morning. It was 42 degrees, so they scampered back inside pretty quickly. They'll be happy to have me home during the days again. And I'll get to watch The Price Is Right!

As much as I have enjoyed building nearly all the pieces for White Christmas, I'm glad to be done with it. Seeing them in action will be the best reward.