Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Season

I went another round with the job search machinery. It's a desert out there. And it's not even a pretty New Mexico kind of day. It's cold and windy, with dark clouds that threaten rain and/or snow. The news people have been trying to scare us with a severe winter storm warning for days now. If I hadn't lived in Florida with hurricane warnings every other minute from June through November, I might have been scared. Plus, the last big scary winter storm that blew through here dumped almost an inch of snow on us. After four years in Massachusetts, anything less than eighteen inches is a flurry.

So White Christmas opened Friday night at Albuquerque Little Theatre. I got my (tiny) check and my six comp tickets Friday afternoon. I wish I hadn't picked up a program while I was there and seen that my name was never mentioned for building almost the entire show. My Facebook friends are outraged over that oversight. I must admit I'm disappointed. I was going to mail it to my parents. The review, out today in the Abq Journal, is very complimentary about the show, but never mentions the sets. They seldom do, I suppose, unless the sets are the best thing about the show. We'll be seeing it in a few weeks, after the dreaded MFC interview, coming up this Friday.

Carmen flies to San Francisco this week so she can stand before the Ministerial Fellowship Committee and be grilled about her fitness for ministry. This is a big fat hairy hurdle, one she's been preparing for for several years. If (when) she passes that test, she can begin earnestly searching for a congregation that is searching for a minister. The Unitarian Universalist Association has a whole online system in place for that process. How did they used to do it? On horseback?

I have the last of the music in hand for Carmen's "Reliving The Christmas Event" service. That I can wrap in a few minutes. More problematic is the ox for the Christmas play. I promised that the head would pivot back and forth. Now I have to figure out how to make that work. BUT- I have more time now that I don't have any sets to build. Assuming I don't suddenly get a job out of nowhere- because nowhere is where the jobs all seem to be at this time.

The good news for you five- I'll be writing much more often in the weeks ahead. "Dial M For Murder" is the next show at ALT, and it ain't no White Christmas.