Monday, December 27, 2010

Something New

While I have had things to do (build sets at Albuquerque Little Theatre, for example) I have never had a job and a blog (or three) at the same time. One would think that a twenty or so hour a week job would have little impact on my life, but one would be wrong. The morning is all about getting Carmen and me out the door on time. The evening is supper and recouperating. The blogs were all about a lot of time on my hands. It's just not there any more.

This week I work Monday through Thursday, five hours a day. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday I'm off! I'm thinking my big Year In Review posting is coming this weekend! Woo hoo!

In the meantime, I still have three wasted mornings and evenings to use for thinking about what I want to say about 2010. Should be a good one. Can't wait!

For those of you who come aboard hoping for cat news, all I can tell you is that ReLu and LuLu are even closer buddies than before. Remus has developed a special little "Come play with me" call, and they have a wonderful time chasing each other all over the house. When it's time to rest, they often curl up together on the back of the sofa or on the bed, frequently complete with licking each other to sleep. Getting Lucia for a companion for Remus has turned out to be the best idea we've had in a long time.

Back in a couple of days - I promise.

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