Friday, December 17, 2010

A Disappointing Post

I woke up at 6:08 this morning and bounded (as much as these artritic old bones can bound) out of bed. I turned on my computer before warming up yesterday's leftover coffee. With eager anticipation I went to my online banking site. Last night at midnight was my first scheduled direct deposit since June of 2009. I zoomed through the gauntlet of passwords and identity checks and landed at last at my checking account. And there was my available balance - the same as it was twelve hours before. I clicked on the details link, and sure enough, there was a posting from Sherwin Williams Payroll - for a whopping $0.00!

It was my understanding that, yes, my wage was going to be much lower than it was working in show biz in Orlando and Boston, but still higher than volunteering at the theatre. I could have stayed home and racked up $0.00 - I've done it - recently!

My boss, Diane, told me she has never had a problem with payroll in her twenty eight years with the company (at that same store!) As usual, I am the exception. Today is her day off, but Vinnie went home yesterday with the flu, so she'll probably be there. I hope this is a mistake that can be ironed out easily. I'm still training, sure, but I know I'm worth more than $0.00.

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