Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It was purt-near six months ago that I started this thang. I had a lot to say back then - Albuquerque was new to us, I had old cat stories and other stories to tell; I couldn't wait to get to my computer and spend a couple of hours regaling you with my witty and fascinating postings.

Nowadays, I can't think of anything interesting to say. The stuff I would write about, Carmen's search for a congregation to minister to, is top secret stuff. I've been reading packets from congregational search committees and discussing my reactions and observations with Carmen, and now she has already gone to visit one and this weekend she goes to visit another. Three more are lined up for phone interviews. Who? Where? Can't say.

I went to see Colby down at the Albuquerque Little Theatre on Friday. The show after Plaza Suite is "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas," which requires a two-story set and a grand staircase up to the second floor. These things I've done before. I don't know when we'll get started, but I will probably help him get the Plaza Suite set - just a few stock walls, doors, windows etc. - put up so the actors can rehearse with it, then start on Texas.

So what I'm saying is, erratic as my postings have been lately, I believe the future holds even less promise. I'm going to let go of worrying about keeping it current. When the news breaks about where we are going in the summer, I'll give you the whole story, I promise. Of course the move itself will fall under the purview of The Gospel of Rand McNally.

One bit of news: I had my blood tested today and for the second time in a row my anti-coagulant level was in the zone: 2.2 INR. That's a very good thing. I don't test again for three weeks. Woo hoo!