Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog Shadows

It's a beautiful sunny day here in the mile high desert. It's forty eight degrees at 4:30 and expected to get down in the mid-thirties tonight. After four years in New England, I can easily stand six more weeks of this winter.

Part of the ongoing entertainment here is listening to the dire predictions by the media - massive winter storm approaching - huge amounts of snow - stay off the highways - and when the massive storm has moved on through, the roads are clear in less than an hour without plowing or salt, there is a dusting of snow, and it's all melted and dry by the end of the day. The most snow I've seen has been about three quarters of an inch.

This is what we call tempting fate. Well, come on, Fate, let's see whatcha got! I'm here for one winter, and it's nearly over. I've heard stories about three feet of snow in Albuquerque a few years ago. I've waded through three feet of snow in Massachusetts on numerous occasions, shoveled it out of the driveway, climbed over the plowed-up mountains of it to get to bus stops. You can't scare me with your stinkin' groundhog!