Monday, April 2, 2012

Time On My Side

Those who know me know that I have a certain fascination (obsession?) with time. Years ago I was going nuts because every clock in the house and car had a different time. In those days there were no cell phones to check, no home computers etc. There wasn't even a telephone time service in Central Florida like there was in Baltimore or even - at that time - Vero Beach, FL. The best I could do was wait for television or radio to announce the time or change hours of programming. Geezers will remember the *ping* at the hour on television and radio stations.

Then one day I was at Sam's, and saw, for only twenty five bucks, a clock that recalibrates itself daily with the atomic clock in Fort Collins Colorado. Such a deal! Ever since then, I have always had one unimpeachable authority as to what time it really is. Even my cell phone isn't as accurate.

One of my (many many) pet peeves is the twice annual time change. It sends everybody into a jet lag state for days afterward, and I have a hard time believing it's worth it. The one in spring is the hardest adjustment,
because the hour is simply removed from your life. But even when you get it back in fall, there is a biorhythmic jolt.

BUT!!! As a licensed professional cat juggler, I have learned to make the springing forward work for me. This year, before the time change, the kitties would start trying to wake me around three am. Now I get to sleep in until four or sometimes even five! I hate having a reason to like the time change!

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