Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Long Time Coming

Three and a half months ago I predicted that recuperating from a knee replacement would give my blogging a shot in the arm. I could argue the truth of that. Say, for instance, that the shot in the arm was full of phenobarbital. That would have the effect that my down time had on my writing. I did a lot of reading, played a lot of  handheld games, watched The Price Is Right and Ellen. No blogging.

I'm tempted to say "I'm back!!," but I don't know that - other than my current burst of activity. My one great consolation is that I'm WAY ahead of my wife's blog, last updated in February.

So I have a new knee. The horrendous arthritis that was causing so much pain for so many decades has been replaced by metal and plastic pieces parts. The pain is less, and it feels different. I guess it's better. The muscles that pull the leg straight are weak - walking down a steep hill is a little scary - but every time I do, it's a little stronger. I'm still doing my PT exercises, and I'm back on ibuprofen as my primary pain medication. All good stuff. My next appointment is January 3rd, when I'm pretty sure I'll be released to return to work. woo hoo.

Meanwhile, in addition to my new knee, I have new orthotic arch supports, new trifocals and refurbished hearing aids. I'm like an all-new geezer!

1 comment:

Col said...

Welcome back, you were missed.