Monday, January 17, 2011

White Blues

The sun came out this morning and has been shining pretty much all day. Of course, it snowed all day yesterday and most of the night, so there was still shoveling to be done. When it actually stops snowing for any length of time, I like to get out there and scrape down to bare concrete. Then I can actually see bare concrete for minutes, even possibly hours at a time before it starts snowing again. It's very disheartening to snowblow and shovel for an hour, only to find that it's all covered again before I even get the tools put away.

The warm rainy weather we had over New Years weekend melted all but the deepest heaps and plow ridges, leaving the world suddenly green. There was great rejoicing for a day - before the snow started again and everything was six inches deep in white by Tuesday.

When I look out the window and see flakes falling, I see more shoveling, more flakes in the face while walking to work, and basically being unpleasant outdoors. People tell me it will stop doing this eventually. Yay.

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