Sunday, April 25, 2010

Peaceful Easy Feelin'

Carmen flew in right on time Monday. We hauled the really big suitcase and the new super giganto suitcase to the car, drove home and hauled them into the house. Carmen took a short nap, took a long post-11 hours in airports and airplanes shower, and we went to the church staff going away party for Ron, the Associate Minister here who might be going to the UU Church of Jacksonville, Florida. The party was at a small, dingy bowling alley on the east side.

The senior minister was there, and she was asking me about Meadville and the house we're buying. I gave her as complete an account as it is possible for me without writing it down. So the next day she said to Carmen that I seemed much more at ease than she's ever seen me. When confronted about this, I came to the conclusion that I am more at ease now that I know a) that we have a firm destination; b) where that destination is and c) approximately when we're going.

Of course the plan has changed several times this week, but the latest plan is that I will rent a small truck for the cats, my tools, my computer and some other stuff we don't trust the movers to move. I will leave in time to get to Meadville ten days after closing on the house, when the sellers are contracted to be out. I will assess the attic conversion project to ascertain what else is needed, buy stuff at Home Depot before returning the truck, and get to work. The goal will be to have the room ready for the honkin' heavy adjustable beds before the movers carry them off of the truck. As my old friend Mr. Charles Edward Channell would say, "It's gonna be close!"