Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Life Of The Wife

Being the wife of Carmen M. Emerson is a good life. No matter what's going on, there's always something interesting and challenging to do. Of course, the latest and greatest challenge has been making public appearances with her, without embarrassing her. Colby Landers said it best. I told him we were going to Meadville to meet the whole congregation and to impress them favorably. "And she's taking you?!!!" he said.

They seemed to like me. For one thing, there's a large contingent of the congregation that is involved with the community theatre, and they are courting me big time. The Properties Team, that does repairs and maintenance for the church, has already signed me up. The choir is counting on another tenor. And of course, most importantly, I have a repertoire of "new" casseroles to introduce to their "6:59er" pot luck suppers.

Buying a house in Meadville - or anywhere else, for that matter, is a portion of pastry when the Rev. is a former real estate law firm receptionist turned secretary turned closing agent turned paralegal and office manager. She tells me what to pay, I pay it; she tells me to sign it, I sign it. Easy peasy Japaneasy. As a corollary, when we move into the house, she tells me what ceiling fan to install and where, I install it; she tells me what she wants in a built-in bookcase, I build it; she tells me what plants to plant and where, I plant them - you get the idea.

Now that the Meadville congregation has finally officially called her, now that we know that we're moving and where and when, it's all just a matter of getting the job done. Benny Van Buren sang it best: "Ain't nothin' to it but to do it." It's a good life.