Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Conquering Geezer Returns

I went back to the hearing aid place this morning and got my aids adjusted. They're programmable, and, as a former sound technician (before the band blasted away my hearing) I knew the frequencies I was missing. I asked my hearing professional if she could bump up the upper mid range. She did, and it's a miracle! I can hear again! I'm heeeeeeeeeal-da! From there I went down to the medical supply place to get my three-month-old prescription filled for compression stockings for my deep vein thrombosis.

I went there yesterday, and they told me that they couldn't fill it because the scrip didn't include a diagnosis - they could fax it to the doctor, and maybe I'd be good to go in a couple of days. I looked at the paper, and the issuing entity was the UNM Anti-Coagulation Clinic, written by Ahn, my finger poker. I crossed the street and took the next number 11 west to UNM Hospital. I went to the clinic, gave the scrip to the guy at the desk, and within two minutes it had a diagnosis on it and I was on my way back. I gave it to a different person this time. She looked at my leg and said it was too swollen to measure, could I come back first thing in the morning? Well, first thing in the morning for them is 8:30 - I've been up and doing things for four hours by then. So she told me what to measure, and this morning, after feeding the ravenous beasts, I measured my damn self.

Wonder of wonders, this morning I handed them my prescription with diagnosis included, and my piece of paper with measurements on it, and within five minutes I was trying one on. It was great. It's still on.

Busing back toward home, I found myself at Montgomery and Eubank at 11:00, with fifty five minutes before the next bus to my neck of the desert. It just so happens that there's a Wendy's there, so I stepped inside. Evidently, 11:00 is Geezer Time at Wendy's. There was white hair and no hair scattered throughout the place, and canes and walkers everywhere. So I pulled up my support stocking, adjusted my trifocal glasses, turned up my hearing aids and walked my arthritis legs up to the counter on my orthotic arch supports.

11:00 at Wendy's: the Geezer Lunch. I'll have to remember that.