Sunday, September 20, 2009


Everyone knows, I think, that 23 years is the Turtle Anniversary. If not, it is now. A nice lady at Carmen's church brought us two box turtles- a full-grown male we named Buckbeak, and a cute little female we named Fluffy. They are living outside as I write, scouting the perimeter of the walled-in back yard for a way out. Bucky has at least three times stormed the gate near the front of the house, but the cat juggler he's dealing with had put up a (I hope) turtle proof barrier. Fluffy is trying the other side of the yard.

We were told they will eat the snails that "run" rampant all over the patio and surrounding plantings. Bucky actually saw and went over to sniff one, scaring it to death, but he didn't eat it. They are both too freaked out to eat yet.

Remus J. Lupin has watched them from the safety of the living room, very curious, but he doesn't really seem interested in going out to meet them. He's a chickenshit boy. So now I have two turtles to juggle. I trust that this new task will prove as rewarding as cat juggling. And I'm pretty sure Buckbeak and Fluffy won't be getting me out of bed at 4:00 in the morning.