Carmen had to work last night, so she brought me the car and her debit card and rode away with her boss. This was my big chance, the break I had been waiting for!. I jumped into the car and fired 'er up.
First stop: Jo Ann Fabrics. Nothing says wild and crazy like a trip to Jo Ann. And yes, I found what I was looking for- twist pins. Our bed skirt just wouldn't stay on without them. And just to assert my independence, I threw in a pack of chewing gum!
Next stop: Wal Mart for peanut butter, coffee filters, toothpaste, eye drops and (don't tell Carmen) a bag of tortilla chips! Then on to Smith's for groceries: fish, chicken, ground beef, veggies, all those guilty pleasures. What a night! I didn't get home until 7:05- late for kitty feeding time. And don't think they didn't know it.