Sunday, June 14, 2020

Mama B - My Other Mother

 Michael J. Buinickas and I became friends in Boy Scouts in 1966, but I did not become a Buinickas until the summer of '68. I walked into their house on Maple Ridge Lane, and was immediately offered food and a choice of beverages, and made comfortable in Mama B's home. Mr. B was my Scout Master and drill sergeant, but Jessica was my mom away from home. Margaret became my big sister, Michael was my older brother, Bill and Barbara my younger siblings. I actually felt more at home there than I did at home.

That same summer, my parents moved me to Florida, far away from everyone and everything I had ever known. During the summers of '69, 70 and '71 I basically showed up on the Buinickas doorstep and was welcomed in, staying for days or weeks before I'd have to return to school in Florida. I had a bed, a place at the table and chores to do including the dreaded "water under the house" detail.

I knew that this home away from home was the handiwork of Jessica Buinickas, and that she had schooled her children in the fine art of hospitality. I have never experienced the like anywhere else in the fifty-odd years since.

Bill's eulogy for his brother in 1997 emphasized that Michael had always been the one who kept the far-flung family together, and I'm sorry to admit that after his passing, I fell away. One very brief visit in 2000 was the last time I saw any of the nuclear family of which I have had the joy and honor to feel a part. Twenty years later, I am back in Florida mourning the passing of Jessica Buinickas from afar.

When Margaret joined Facebook, she friended me, so I still feel connected to my other family, especially now that my biological parents and brother are gone.

And now, I reckon that Marge is matriarch, her mother's shoes thrust upon her. Don't worry, Marge, Jess's family is and has always been your family, and we'll love you through this. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you Jim for sharing these sweet memories.The entire family thanks you for these loving memories and we send our love and hugs back to you