Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Going Viral

This post is unusual because I truly don't have a clue what I'm going to say. I just feel it's my duty to weigh in on the coronavirus situation, since pretty much everyone else on the planet has done so. My email trash file is littered with responses from grocery chains, pharmacy chains, restaurant chains, hardware chains, paint store chains, AAA, AARP, AT&T, the UUA and everybody else. Evidently it's the thing to do, so here goes.

First of all, wash your hands. That's number one on everyone's list. Wash 'em long and hard and frequently. Stay away from other humans. I have been doing that for many years. Of course, when I do encounter humans, it's on a city bus or the Skyway. And of course, when Carmen comes home after spending all day at the hospital, where they wash their hands hundreds of times a day.

Beyond the standard cautions about infection, there is also a positive side to the situation. Facebook has been richly peppered with ideas for things to do while stuck at home with your family or just yourself - and many of them have been very good ideas. For me, though, the upside is that this frantic, manic culture of ours is being forced to slow down or even come to a complete stop. We have an opportunity here to learn that life doesn't have to be run at a breakneck pace. I have no illusions about this, however. Every opportunity that has come along so far has been embraced by many and also exploited by many, and the pace picks up again as soon as enough people forget what it was all about. I can only expect the same this time. But I can hope.

One really nice thing for me is that Susan Werner, my favorite singer song writer, is doing free online concerts for her fans, due to cancellations of her upcoming in-person gigs. We saw her twice in Boston, but 2009 was the last time she came anywhere near where we have lived since then. Last Sunday evening was "All Request Night," and this coming Sunday she'll be doing all new stuff. I can't wait!

Anyhoo, y'all stay safe out there. I only have about six loyal readers, so losing of even one of y'all would be a huge loss. And don't forget to say a silent thank you to Vicki VanGundy for pushing me off the edge and making me swim in the pool of my four blogs again.

And wash your damn hands!


Anonymous said...

Thank you from one of your loyal readers. 💕
I got locked out of my password account so I have to leave this note anonymously!
Hints: Nashville, FL visit, miss you both (and Florida) deeply.

Cat Juggler said...

Thanks for the lovely comment. Comments are the substitute for applause in this biz.

And I B said...

Your communications are anticipated with much interest and excitement. Thank you!