Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Stand

We listen to books when we go to bed. It helps Carmen turn off the whirlwind of thoughts and impending obligations spinning around in her head. Our favorite, by far, is the seven Harry Potter books, read in their entirety by the best reader we've ever heard, Jim Dale. We've heard all seven probably twelve times or more. Harry and his friends risk everything to stand against the evil Voldemort. Right now we're on book two of The Hunger Games series. She risks everything to stand against the Capital. And just last week we watched the TV miniseries of Stephen King's The Stand again.  It really came as no surprise to me when she came to me last night and told me that the UUA has called for clergy to go to Ferguson, Missouri to stand against the evil there, and that she felt compelled to go.

Twelve years ago we began this journey, throwing all of our considerable talent and tenacity into a quest to leave behind the plush life of the paralegal and jump out of the airplane to soar as a UU minister. Perhaps I knew better than she did that this journey would require enormous grit. I definitely knew better than she did that she has grit enough and plenty to spare. She will go to Ferguson.

I understand that there is risk involved in this choice. There is risk involved in driving to Erie, too, which she is doing right this minute. I am an unabashed atheist, but I always tell her in times of doubt and anxiety, "Have a little faith!" I don't mean faith in a supernatural being who will keep her safe. I mean faith in her own intelligence, resourcefulness and instincts to keep herself in the right place to be, whatever that might mean.

I have faith that her going to Ferguson to stand against evil will mean something far more important than anything else she might do instead. Laundry was one thing I she might have done if she stayed home. Important, yes. Imperative? No.
