Saturday, January 12, 2013


I can update Cat Juggler (or my other sorely neglected blogs) with many new Kindle Fire! This is good, because I no longer have the option of spending hours at my desktop computer. I have a puppy now who whines and tries to break in if she' s out, and tears up the ratty old shag carpet (and who can blame her) if she' s in. She' s asleep now after our hour and a half walk through the sloppy slush and mud of melting Meadville.

So I' m 60 years old now. How in heck did that happen? 40 years ago I was convinced that I would die at or before age 21. That plan didn' t work.

My last day in my fifties was pretty bummed out, but I' m better now. Bring it!!!


Rev. Carmen Emerson said...

I like the "bring it!" attitude hb!

Rev. Carmen Emerson said...

When are you going to add a link to your "Walking With Grace" blog so that I can get there from here? xo cc