Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Geezer of Meadville

On March 11th of this year I posted "The Conquering Geezer Returns," a slice of my new life as an official geezer (the tipping of the scales was the hearing aids.) On March 11th, on my way home from getting my aids tuned up, I had to wait an hour for the next bus to my neck of the desert (in Albuquerque.) I walked into Wendy's at 11:00am and found myself surrounded by geezers. So I turned up my hearing aids, adjusted my trifocals, hitched up my compression stocking and limped in on my orthotic arch supports.

Today I walked down to the Area Agency for Aging, where I was hoping to get some help finding a job. I was walking past the Wendy's at about 1:15 and realized I was hawngry! Well guess what - it was filled with geezers. I felt right at home.

After eating I went on down Park Street to the address of the AAA - in the Senior Center. I went inside and walked from one end of the building to the other. Nobody was home, even at the welcome desk. I guess they were all at Wendy's.

So I walked over to Market and Chestnut Streets to the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Workforce Development office, hoping for some help there. I found a couple of geezers there. I think they were volunteers. Their "job" was to help people look for work on the Workforce Development website. It turned out that I knew more about that than they did. I did a little looking on their computers just to be polite, then walked on home. My computer is faster than theirs.

It was a nice walk, anyway.

1 comment:

Mazeroski said...

Geez, I thought that my dad was the Geezer of Meadville, and that someday I would inherit the coveted crown. The geezer is dead; long live the geezer . . . .