Monday, February 14, 2011


It's forty degrees here in Meadville, Pennsylvania. It has been above freezing for a day and a half, and the world outside is melting. Of course, there is still over a foot of snow out there, so the melting will take a good while - unless it rains like it did over new years weekend. But the driveway and sidewalk are clear of snow and ice. The furnace is taking a well-deserved break after the minus fifteens of January, and the basement is returning to the wetness of spring, summer and fall. It's always something.

It's Valentine's Day. I found a beautiful card that plays "You Send Me" by Sam Cooke, one of Carmen's top 1,000 favorite songs (I know because I recently loaded it onto her new MP3 player.) The surprise was that our little girl Lucia (Little LuLu Two Claws) was fascinated by it. She ran back and forth over it, under it and through it, trying to find whatever was making that strange sound coming from the card. Left alone, she would have dug into the secret chamber and pulled the chip out - I know because she tried. The card had to be put out of her reach, like so many other "cat toys."

It's my day off this week as well. That means that after Friday, Saturday and Sunday being pretty much church-related busy-ness, and Saturday evening digging out of a six inch snowfall, I can do my laundry and clean the house today. Woo hoo! Look out, kitties, here comes the Kirby vacuum!

1 comment:

Rev. Carmen Emerson said...

Thanks for my card & for a wonderful 25 years, Yimmy...