Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oot And Aboot

I left the house at 6:35 this morning and caught the southbound number two bus to its rendezvous point with the south/ westbound number five. Number five goes directly to the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, but I stayed on until The University of New Mexico Hospital, where the Coumadin Clinic is located. I arrived at 7:45 for my 8:15 appointment - not at all unusual for me. My pharmacist, Ahn, called me in at 8:10, poked my finger, and installed the blood on her little hand-held meter. I scored a 3.0, just inside the 2-3 range that's considered good. Good.

It was snowing in earnest when I got back outside and crossed Lomas to the bus stop. I had thought about continuing west to Albuquerquqe Little Theatre to see what was up over there, but since it was snowing heavily, I caught the next eastbound bus. It happened to be a number eleven, which goes very close to Sam's Club on Eubank. There were some things I wanted to get from there. My Super Duper membership gives me a ten dollar discount on Turbo Tax. Only problem: Sam's opens at 10:00. It was a little after 9:00.

The snow had slacked up a little, so I walked five blocks down to Walgreen's on Central Avenue (Historic Route 66) and bought some Sea Salt Blue Diamond almonds for Carmen and some sea-free salted almonds for me so I don't glom down her fancy almonds. Then I mosied on back up the hill to Sam's. It had just opened as I approached the doors. I got my Turbo Tax, some Hebrew National hot dogs, some granny Smith apples (gotta keep them doctors away) and the big jar of Litehouse salad dressing. Isn't that interesting? I got back to Eubank in plenty of time to catch the number two north to my neck of the desert. As I approached home, the snow was in the process of changing to rain, which it still is.

Of course, when I walked in the door, Remus J. Lupin took that to mean it was feeding time. I gotta teach that boy to read clocks.