Thursday, December 10, 2009


My hand still hurts from my job application today. If I get it - and who knows if all 82 guys in front of me have jobs yet (see "Another Defeat" from August 31 in this blog) - I'll be building hot tubs, spas and outdoor buildings like sheds and such. I looked at their stuff, and it looks interesting to build.

First I had to hand write the list of previous jobs covered so well in my resume, which they also have. Then I had to list FIVE personal references! I went with people whose numbers I have in my cell phone. AND THEN! I had to take a fifteen page test on vocabulary skills, number sequences, word scramble things, cryptograms, pattern recognition- all the stuff you need to be a good carpenter. Well, I'm pretty darn good at that stuff, so maybe those 82 guys will eat my dust - in which case it was a wonderful test. But my hand still hurts. Arthritis, you know. I'm old.

And speaking of old, I suddenly got in the mood to listen to the Gershwin on my Media Player music list. An American in Paris just finished, and Rhapsody in Blue just started. I love that stuff. I was reminiscing just the other day about the time back in the eighties when we went to the Tupperware Auditorium in Kissimmee to hear an evening of Gershwin, and the guest pianist couldn't play the Rhapsody worth a crap! What a disappointment that was. I'm betting the rest of the orchestra hated it even worse than I did.

Remus J. Lupin wanted his own Facebook page, so we tried to get him signed up. At first we put his real name and his real date of birth. Facebook locked us out for a day - evidently they don't cotton to six-year-olds on FB. Once they let us back in, we tried a different birth year, and that was fine but they wouldn't let the name Remus Lupin pass. So we tried Yin N Lupin, and they loved it. So now, in addition to everything else I do for those kids, I also have to share my computer with them. What the heck, they've been stealing my chair for months.

Anyhoo, Carmen is home from her three-day ministers' retreat, and will be home tomorrow and Saturday - two days in a row! It's been weeks since that happened. Maybe I'll paint the ox head tomorrow, if the weather warms up. Christmas eve is in two weeks, you know, and we don't need no stinking naked ox in the pageant. Not that I'm going, hell no.